Why Is Disappointment so Agonizing for Autistics?
Why do autistic people seem to handle disappointment so poorly? It’s a combination of being literal, needing routine to survive, and being unable to do things out of order.
Communicate more effectively with your autistic loved one.
Autistic Characteristics / Parent & Child Communication
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 14, 2020 · Last modified July 3, 2020
Why do autistic people seem to handle disappointment so poorly? It’s a combination of being literal, needing routine to survive, and being unable to do things out of order.
Do autistic people lack empathy? No! In fact, many autistic people actually experience MORE empathy because the emotions they feel from others come in unfiltered and all at once.
Why does my autistic loved one hurt my feelings all the time? Is it on purpose? Probably not. Here’s what’s really happening.
Does your autistic loved one say hurtful things? Do they seem surprised when you confront them about it. They ARE! Here’s how to communicate more effectively with your autistic loved one.
Does the autistic person in your life offend you frequently? They probably don’t mean to. Here’s how to explain it and stop all the arguments.
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