Do Autistic People Experience Time Differently Than Neurotypicals?
Do autistic people experience time differently than neurotypicals?
Communicate more effectively with your autistic loved one.
Do autistic people experience time differently than neurotypicals?
Common Misconceptions / Questions & Answers
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 18, 2020 · Last modified July 5, 2020
Could overcompensation be a factor in why your autistic loved one always needs to have “something to do” when away from home?
Autistic Characteristics / Better Communication / Common Misconceptions / Parent & Child Communication
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 18, 2020 · Last modified July 5, 2020
Does your autistic loved one have difficulty understanding you’re upset unless you’re yelling at them? Here’s why!
Autistic Characteristics / Better Communication / Common Misconceptions
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 17, 2020 · Last modified July 5, 2020
Neurotypicals who live with and/or love an autistic person, do you ever wonder how you can come home from a hectic day with the word “stressed” practically written all over your face, and your...
Better Communication / Common Misconceptions
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 17, 2020 · Last modified July 3, 2020
Does your autistic loved one struggle with household chores? It’s not laziness or a lack of caring. You just need to be more specific.
Does it seem like the autistic person in your life doesn’t listen to you or follow instructions? You might not be being specific enough.
Do you have trouble getting your autistic loved one to understand your meaning or get them to stop doing things that hurt you? Try this approach!
Why does my autistic loved one always talk back to me? Well, they are and they aren’t. The autistic mind is literal, and when the answer a question, it’s because they think that’s exactly what you want!
Do you ever wonder why the autistic person in your life appears to be completely unaware of how to talk to people in a social class above them? That’s because we don’t intuitively understand social hierarchy! It’s not natural for us.
Why does my autistic loved one ask “why” all the time? Learn how beneficial it is to explain things in detail to person on the spectrum.
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