Make Comparisons to Help the Autistic Person in Your Life Better Understand Your Meaning
Do you have trouble getting your autistic loved one to understand your meaning or get them to stop doing things that hurt you? Try this approach!
Jaime A. Heidel - The Articulate Autistic
Communicate more effectively with your autistic loved one.
Do you have trouble getting your autistic loved one to understand your meaning or get them to stop doing things that hurt you? Try this approach!
Why does my autistic loved one always talk back to me? Well, they are and they aren’t. The autistic mind is literal, and when the answer a question, it’s because they think that’s exactly what you want!
Do you ever wonder why the autistic person in your life appears to be completely unaware of how to talk to people in a social class above them? That’s because we don’t intuitively understand social hierarchy! It’s not natural for us.
Why does my autistic loved one ask “why” all the time? Learn how beneficial it is to explain things in detail to person on the spectrum.
Does your autistic loved one appear to talk to you in a condescending tone? It’s not done out of malice. Here’s what’s really happening.
“There’s dog poop on the floor.” To a neurotypical person, this is a request. To an autistic person, this is a statement of fact. My aunt said that to me once, and I said,...
Autistic Characteristics / Better Communication / Common Misconceptions / Parent & Child Communication
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 16, 2020 · Last modified July 3, 2020
I can’t tell you how many times in my life I have gotten into trouble for not saying “Thank you” after receiving a gift or for somebody making something, doing something for me, or...
Better Communication / Parent & Child Communication
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 15, 2020 · Last modified July 3, 2020
For many autistic people, being asked a question is nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. Here’s a more effective way to ask your autistic loved one a question without scaring them.
Autistic Characteristics / Better Communication / Parent & Child Communication
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 15, 2020 · Last modified July 3, 2020
Why does my autistic loved one dodge questions? Are they hiding something? Probably not. Here’s what’s REALLY happening when you ask us a question.
Autistic Characteristics / Common Misconceptions
by jaimeaheidel · Published April 15, 2020 · Last modified July 3, 2020
Pretty deer (doe fawn) with an alert expression and large ears against a green woodland backdrop with text that reads: “Startled Does Not Equal Guilty”
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